The Pros and Cons Home vs. In the Office

Staying Connected: Strategies for Building Relationships with Colleagues When Working Remotely

It’s no secret that working remotely can get lonely. Without the daily interactions with colleagues that we’re used to in an office setting, it can be difficult to build and maintain relationships. But fear not! With a little effort and creativity, there are plenty of ways to stay connected with your coworkers and build strong relationships even when you’re not in the same physical space. Here are a few tips to get you started:
1. Schedule regular check-ins. Just because you don’t have a water cooler to chat around doesn’t mean you can’t still have those casual conversations. Set aside some time each week to reach out to your colleagues and check in with them. Ask how their week is going, what their weekend plans are, or what projects they are working on.
2. Set up virtual coffee dates. If you miss the coffee runs you used to take with your coworkers, create a virtual version! Schedule a video chat with a colleague and make yourself a cup of coffee while you catch up.
3. Participate in virtual team-building activities. Get the team together for a virtual game night or book club. Not only is this a fun way to stay connected, but it also gives everyone the chance to get to know each other in a more relaxed setting.
4. Use the chat feature in your video conferencing platform. While you’re on video calls, use the chat feature to share a funny GIF or an article related to the discussion. This will help to keep the conversation lively and also give everyone a chance to connect on a more personal level.
5. Connect on social media. Follow your colleagues on social media and like, comment, or share their posts. This will help you stay up-to-date on their lives and give you more opportunities to engage with them. With a little bit of effort, you can stay connected with your colleagues while working remotely and still have meaningful conversations. So don’t be afraid to reach out and connect!

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